Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
6:30am - 7:30pm
6629 Liverpool Street
Houston, Texas 77021

Provides consistency and a predictable routine, which is comforting to children. Children are relaxed and ready to learn when they can anticipate what is happening next. As children move through developmental milestones, they will need to practice skills at which they are successful. The skill levels will vary greatly with any group of children, even those that are all the same chronological age.
Includes open-ended activities and materials that build a learning community in our program. Our materials can be used in a variety of ways, children will benefit more children. Our activities will allow for multi-ages and multi-skill levels to include more children. Older children or those with more advanced skills will be models for younger children or those who have not yet attained the skill. Activities in our curriculum encourage children to work together, share, and be successful at their individual skill level.
Promotes multi-sensory experiences. Many opportunities are included in our activities that allow children to learn through touch, smell, taste, vision, and hearing. We know that children learn best when information is provided through all the senses.
Invites exploration and discovery. The activities in our curriculum include open-ended questions to promote language development, thinking, and problem-solving. When we model curiosity and wonder and encourage divergent thinking, we will be helping children reach new levels of development and deeper understanding of concepts.
Research shows that relationships play a critical role in the brain development of infants and toddlers. We incorporate activities to help adults build strong relationships by paying attention to children's feelings, interests, and needs. Active learning and choice are encouraged so that infants and toddlers can grow and develop in a loving environment.
As toddlers transition to preschool age, they learn more by doing, and they need many opportunities to explore, grow, and make meaningful choices. Our activities foster creativity and promote emotional, cognitive, social, language, and physical development. Developmentally appropriate activities build self-esteem and intrinsic motivation for learning.
The activities in our curriculum are designed to help our teachers address each child socially, physically, emotionally, and cognitively. Our curriculum stimulate thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving. Our curriculum is designed to be flexible, giving our teachers the opportunity to pick and choose from our activities to meet the individual needs of the children in your group.
Based on current early learning research, the materials we suggest in our curriculum actively engage children and support differences in learning styles, maturity, and interests. This guarantees that our curriculum have the depth to meet the educational standards being implemented throughout our center.
Our curriculum is based on current research and sound educational theories of early childhood learning and development.
Our activities will promote strong relationships between children and the adults who care for them.
We will provide a wide range of hands-on, interactive materials allowing our children to experiment, explore, and make choices while interacting with their surroundings.
Our program will encourage involvement of family members and naturally incorporate cultural diversity into each child’s learning.
All activities will be aligned with our Early Learning and Development Continuum.

Infant, Toddler, and Threes ELGs
Revised PreK Guidelines
Texas Rising Stars
Texas PreK
Texas Birth to Three Year
Texas 3-4 Year
Head Start